Medium Sclupt – Blood Queen WIP – UPDATE

Update 1/24/2017 – Step two of this model.  I got carried away and added a bit of a frame because why not?  “Rendered” in Medium and tweaked in Photoshop.  I already see areas I want to touch up some more.  I believe next I’ll try exporting from Medium to render in Maya.

Blood Queen – Work In Progress


This is my first serious attempt at any high resolution detail in Medium.  I’m still working out a solid workflow for the details, but the tools in Medium really allow for a wide range of options to create in the way that I want.  This one is inspired by a portrait painting by Chet Zar, though I have certainly taken my own liberties.  A big reason for that is the lack of the ability to bring reference images into the environment.  I know that some have achieved this by bringing in images and pasting them on the default background image, but I can’t be bothered because I like to jump from project to project.  I did a little bit of post in Photoshop to add the background and vignette, and intend to do more work.  The biggest problem for me right now is the facial expression.  Blood Queen isn’t supposed to be happy and it looks a bit too much like a smile.